
who cooks here?

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I'm Nicolle!!! in this photo with my boyfriend

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

This is the person who I admire: ENZO BOSCO

The Neurology (neuro: nerves, lodge: study or treatment; study or treatment of the nerves) is the medical specialty that deals with the upheavals the nervous system. Specifically one takes care of the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of all the diseases that involve the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system and the independent nervous system, including his envelopes (meninges), blood vessels and weaves like muscles.

The Dr. Enzo Bosco is...

Neurologist and Neurosurgeon of the Neurological Institute and Veterinary specialties. He is withdrawn and titled of the University of Chile. At the moment candidate to Magister in Pathology Animal University of Chile. Attending professor of Neurology and Veterinary Neurosurgery of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Chile and the Greater University. Graduated of Veterinary Radiology, University of Chile. Founder and medical Director of the Neurological Institute and Veterinary Specialties.

It attended the course of external fixations in the spine and course of Neurociencias, Neurology and Veterinary Neurosurgery in Carolina of the North of the United States. It attends a course in the University of Carolina of the North of the United States. Doctor Bosco is married has 2 children, Enzo Andres and Paulina Bethlehem, both in the school. He owns like sport activity Tennis. Its hobby is the music and the collection of caps.

This person is a incredible doctor and what I admire of it is his capacity to study a as difficult specialty as it is neurology.
Is one of the few veterinarians dedicate themselves to this area and by the same reason to represented to us in differents countries, and this is admirable!
On the other hand, it has demonstrated that neurology is a specialty applicable to the veterinary medicine, because to have presented its area in a exhibition in the first semester of the career I would never haver known

4 comentarios:

Ariel Allende dijo...

is a great veterinarian, I would like to become like the!

Rodrigo dijo...

I didn't meet him but must be a fantastic veterinary and very inteligent to be neurologist.

Take care! Bye

Miss dijo...

The Neurology (neuro: nerves, lodge: study or treatment; study or treatment of the nerves) is the medical specialty that deals with the upheavals the nervous system. Specifically one takes care of the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of all the diseases that involve the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system and the independent nervous system, including his envelopes (meninges), blood vessels and weaves like muscles.

The Dr. Enzo Bosco is...
Neurologist and Neurosurgeon of the Neurological Institute and Veterinary specialties. He is WW withdrawn and WW titled of the University of Chile. At the moment candidate to WW Magister in Pathology Animal University of Chile. Attending professor of Neurology and Veterinary Neurosurgery of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Chile and the Greater University. Graduated of Veterinary Radiology, University of Chile. Founder and medical Director of the Neurological Institute and Veterinary Specialties.

WW It attended the course of external fixations in the spine and course of Neurociencias, Neurology and Veterinary Neurosurgery in Carolina of the North of the United States. It attends a course in the University of Carolina of the North of the United States. Doctor Bosco is married has 2 children, Enzo Andres and Paulina Bethlehem, both in the school. He owns like sport activity Tennis. Its hobby is the music and the collection of caps.

This person is a incredible doctor and what I admire of it is his capacity to study a as difficult specialty as it is neurology.
^ Is one of the few veterinarians dedicate themselves to this area and by the same reason to represented to us in WF differents countries, and this is admirable!
On the other hand, it has demonstrated that neurology is a specialty applicable to the veterinary medicine, because to have presented its area in a exhibition in the first semester of the career I would never haver known

very interesting I didn't know much of him
very good!

Daniii dijo...

he is very good veterinary, he has studing so much with respect to the neurology, he is person very admirable...

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