
who cooks here?

Mi foto
I'm Nicolle!!! in this photo with my boyfriend

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

My ideal job

All the boys have a dreams about wanting to be when they adults. When we are adults own dreams change and own economic situation too. All the people want to dedicate to a ideal job, but many can't by different factors.

Before, I wanted to work helping wildlife. I liked the fact out to make inquiries about habitat, life, behavior, food of small rodents, for example: investigate chinchillas.
But nowadays I want to do other things..

I like the small animals, then in the future I will work in a veterinary clinical o hospital.
I don't live at Santiago, but I want work in this city and at my (I was born in Llay-Llay).
I like help the people resources low but I need the money for to invest in consumptions, and for this I take idea:
I want work in the vet hopital at Santiago to make money and with this money do a clinical at Llay-Llay because the people at my city is very poor. For the same reason I don't worry the
extensive hours working because my objetive inspires me. Only muy conditions is good place with the nice people.
I know that this idea is very utopian but I will comply in the future not too distant.

To sum up is probably that in a years change my opinion, but this don't is important, because the principal objetive of dreams is work in anything while I'm happy about
what I do...
and bringing happiness to animals!!

2 comentarios:

Miss dijo...

All the ? boys have a WF dreams about wanting to be when they adults. When we are adults WW own dreams change and own economic situation too. All the people want to dedicate to a ideal job, but many can't by different factors.

Before, I wanted to work helping wildlife. I liked the fact out to make inquiries about habitat, life, behavior, food of small rodents, for example: investigate chinchillas.
But nowadays I want to do other things..

I like the small animals, then in the future I will work in a veterinary clinical o hospital.
I don't live WW at Santiago, but I want work in this city and at my (I was born in Llay-Llay).
I like WF help the people resources low but I need the money for to invest in consumptions, and for this I take idea:
I want work in the vet hopital at Santiago to make money and with this money do a clinical at Llay-Llay because the people at my city is very poor. For the same reason I don't worry the? muy conditions is good place with the nice people.
I know that this idea is very WF utopian but I will comply in the future not too distant.

To sum up is probably that in a years change my opinion, but this SVA don't is important, because the WW principal objetive of dreams is work in anything while I'm happy about what I do...
and bringing happiness to animals!!

Well, good luck with any of your decisions.
Very good with the order and structure, check the corrections

Daniii dijo...

hi niko!!!
i like to the small animals too!!!
i wait you can fulfill your dream or maybe you will change your opinion jajajaja...but that you choose to will be ok
a kiss and regards
your friend
Dani :D

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