
who cooks here?

Mi foto
I'm Nicolle!!! in this photo with my boyfriend

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

My favourite subject

My favorite subject is physiology, because is really interesting.
This form of study reunites the principles of exact sciences, giving felt to those interactions of the basic elements of an alive being with its environment and explaining because of each different situation in that these elements can be found.

the subject is a science that consists in the study of functions of the organic beings.
The physiology is based in the homeostasis ( is a balance landlord) in which the organisms present a state of persistent conditions in internal environment.
Physiology distinguishes the human physiology or animal, and the vegetal physiology.
At university the physiology classes are dictated every monday, from 9 AM to 1PM. In afternoon of the same day we often have journal club or practical lessons.
the reasons...
I was always interested to know the mechanisms that happen in the organisms to trigger certain actions, such as that must happen into the cells like contraction and finally the animal moves.
I also like this subject because I have a cat, so I can keep and give him pills for its diseases.

3 comentarios:

Miss dijo...

My favorite subject is physiology, because is really interesting.
This form of study reunites the principles of exact sciences, giving WF felt to those interactions of the basic elements of an WO alive being with its environment and explaining because of each different situation in that these elements can be found.

the subject is a science that consists in the study of functions of the organic beings.
The physiology is based in the homeostasis ( is a balance landlord) in which the organisms present a state of persistent conditions in internal environment.
Physiology distinguishes the human physiology or animal, and the vegetal physiology.
At university the physiology classes are dictated every CAPS monday, from 9 AM to 1PM. In afternoon of the same day we often have journal club or practical lessons.
the reasons...
I was always interested to know the mechanisms that happen in the organisms to trigger certain actions, such as that must happen into the cells like contraction and finally the animal moves.
I also like this subject because I have a cat, so I can keep and give him pills for its diseases.

good! so you give him pills?
some of the ideas must be clarified ok?
it sounds interesting good luck with it

Daniii dijo...

Es muy difícil este tema, pero es muy interesante también ...
a mi me gusta Anatomía : D
bye !

Nikito dijo...


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