
who cooks here?

Mi foto
I'm Nicolle!!! in this photo with my boyfriend

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Why I
want to
be a

I'm want to be veterinarian for personal satisfaction
bacause I loves help the animals

I want to be change the people
difficult task...
but I change the culture on the animals
for example I disagree with the mistreatment
and the irresponsible abandonment
because this brings higenic problems,
psychological and physique harms

I want to help the people resources limited
bacause the good veterinarians clinics are very expensive
and these people also need help

I am conscientious of that my idea
is very utopian but each granite is of value
this is my motivation...

in the future, when I finished my career
I will specialist in the small animals
because I feel safe at moment of manipulation them
since you don't use the force to the contrary you used the technique

2 comentarios:

Miss dijo...

I'm want to be veterinarian for personal satisfaction
bacause I SVA loves help the animals

I want to be change the people
difficult task...
but I change the culture on the animals
for example I disagree with the mistreatment
and the irresponsible abandonment
because this brings SP higenic problems,
psychological and physique harms

I want to help the people WO resources limited
bacause the good veterinarians clinics are very expensive
and these people also need help

I am SP conscientious of that my idea
is very WF utopian but each granite is of value
this is my motivation...

in the future, when I finished my career
I will specialist in the small animals
because I feel safe at moment of manipulation them
since you don't use the force to the contrary you used the technique

I'm glad to hear you feel so happy about what you study.. this leads to success

Daniii dijo...

yea i am in agreement with you with the manipulation of small animal, i could not to manipulate to the bovines because it is very invasive...

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