
who cooks here?

Mi foto
I'm Nicolle!!! in this photo with my boyfriend

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

I'm Nicolle Guevara
I'm nineteen years old
I love the animals, the music and my boyfriend

something that characterizes to me is that I am very forgetful
always forgetfulness important things

from this year I am living in Santiago
because I am of Llay-Llay
place where I was born

I have a cat
this name is Coqui

Coqui was left at wharf of Coquimbo
but now, Coqui is very happy with me

I try to be a good person and veterinarian
this is me second year in the career
and I'm very interesting for help to the animals


2 comentarios:

Miss dijo...

Nico do you forget english homework uh?

Daniii dijo...

hello Niko!!!
Now too i have blog!!!
many affections for you and your cat

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