
who cooks here?

Mi foto
I'm Nicolle!!! in this photo with my boyfriend

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

My ideal job

All the boys have a dreams about wanting to be when they adults. When we are adults own dreams change and own economic situation too. All the people want to dedicate to a ideal job, but many can't by different factors.

Before, I wanted to work helping wildlife. I liked the fact out to make inquiries about habitat, life, behavior, food of small rodents, for example: investigate chinchillas.
But nowadays I want to do other things..

I like the small animals, then in the future I will work in a veterinary clinical o hospital.
I don't live at Santiago, but I want work in this city and at my (I was born in Llay-Llay).
I like help the people resources low but I need the money for to invest in consumptions, and for this I take idea:
I want work in the vet hopital at Santiago to make money and with this money do a clinical at Llay-Llay because the people at my city is very poor. For the same reason I don't worry the
extensive hours working because my objetive inspires me. Only muy conditions is good place with the nice people.
I know that this idea is very utopian but I will comply in the future not too distant.

To sum up is probably that in a years change my opinion, but this don't is important, because the principal objetive of dreams is work in anything while I'm happy about
what I do...
and bringing happiness to animals!!


jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

My favourite subject

My favorite subject is physiology, because is really interesting.
This form of study reunites the principles of exact sciences, giving felt to those interactions of the basic elements of an alive being with its environment and explaining because of each different situation in that these elements can be found.

the subject is a science that consists in the study of functions of the organic beings.
The physiology is based in the homeostasis ( is a balance landlord) in which the organisms present a state of persistent conditions in internal environment.
Physiology distinguishes the human physiology or animal, and the vegetal physiology.
At university the physiology classes are dictated every monday, from 9 AM to 1PM. In afternoon of the same day we often have journal club or practical lessons.
the reasons...
I was always interested to know the mechanisms that happen in the organisms to trigger certain actions, such as that must happen into the cells like contraction and finally the animal moves.
I also like this subject because I have a cat, so I can keep and give him pills for its diseases.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

This is the person who I admire: ENZO BOSCO

The Neurology (neuro: nerves, lodge: study or treatment; study or treatment of the nerves) is the medical specialty that deals with the upheavals the nervous system. Specifically one takes care of the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of all the diseases that involve the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system and the independent nervous system, including his envelopes (meninges), blood vessels and weaves like muscles.

The Dr. Enzo Bosco is...

Neurologist and Neurosurgeon of the Neurological Institute and Veterinary specialties. He is withdrawn and titled of the University of Chile. At the moment candidate to Magister in Pathology Animal University of Chile. Attending professor of Neurology and Veterinary Neurosurgery of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Chile and the Greater University. Graduated of Veterinary Radiology, University of Chile. Founder and medical Director of the Neurological Institute and Veterinary Specialties.

It attended the course of external fixations in the spine and course of Neurociencias, Neurology and Veterinary Neurosurgery in Carolina of the North of the United States. It attends a course in the University of Carolina of the North of the United States. Doctor Bosco is married has 2 children, Enzo Andres and Paulina Bethlehem, both in the school. He owns like sport activity Tennis. Its hobby is the music and the collection of caps.

This person is a incredible doctor and what I admire of it is his capacity to study a as difficult specialty as it is neurology.
Is one of the few veterinarians dedicate themselves to this area and by the same reason to represented to us in differents countries, and this is admirable!
On the other hand, it has demonstrated that neurology is a specialty applicable to the veterinary medicine, because to have presented its area in a exhibition in the first semester of the career I would never haver known

Casino - En tus manos


viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Why I
want to
be a

I'm want to be veterinarian for personal satisfaction
bacause I loves help the animals

I want to be change the people
difficult task...
but I change the culture on the animals
for example I disagree with the mistreatment
and the irresponsible abandonment
because this brings higenic problems,
psychological and physique harms

I want to help the people resources limited
bacause the good veterinarians clinics are very expensive
and these people also need help

I am conscientious of that my idea
is very utopian but each granite is of value
this is my motivation...

in the future, when I finished my career
I will specialist in the small animals
because I feel safe at moment of manipulation them
since you don't use the force to the contrary you used the technique

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

I'm Nicolle Guevara
I'm nineteen years old
I love the animals, the music and my boyfriend

something that characterizes to me is that I am very forgetful
always forgetfulness important things

from this year I am living in Santiago
because I am of Llay-Llay
place where I was born

I have a cat
this name is Coqui

Coqui was left at wharf of Coquimbo
but now, Coqui is very happy with me

I try to be a good person and veterinarian
this is me second year in the career
and I'm very interesting for help to the animals


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Scrapping elementos: Deliciouscraps©